Next Pok eacute; Come on "Event: These are the big problems Niantic should be set for the summer of 2017 - Mic

So ... Pokemon Go events. We had a lot of them in 2017 alone , with the promise of a structure of gymnastics until today the legendary birds and the local trade come sometime in the future.

The problem with Pokemon Go structure is to everyone that - week event and the wheel separately is of what the next event will be. This reflects what I think a pretty big problem with the way Pokémon Go make changes today, and what needs about what change to greater longevity in the game.

not replace a week of events gameplay improvements and long-term innovation: next event Pokémon Go

Events of a working week for two reasons - they are easy to use, and are very interesting at the time. All you need is a "vague concept of the types of water " and " Pokemon pink " and the players rush back into the world, because chances are you have an incentive than double XP or sweets that everyone can enjoy, even though we will not hurt to Porygon or a shiny Magikarp.

Finally, however, it is only the content of the constant tread - continue to collect Pokemon and increase your PC value ... because that's all there is -ci to him, and the people get tired of it. Heck, until he fell Gen 2, he was bored with her and had stopped playing the game because I realized how much of a time investment that would get decent gym six Pokémon, and all would be able to work with him do a gradual transition to PokéCoins on the number of gyms is to make classified that might follow.

Events per week are fun, but they lack substance. It's like candy binges to neglect their main course - it does not stick with you, and it will not make you happy to play as soon as the event is over.

Next Go Pokémon event: We need to move an extreme migration ups

Enters the migration go every two weeks in Pokémon, but often changes pushed me to notice in my area, and I live in a big city. For example, there is a park near my house, which was Kabuto a nest for the last two migrations, and some Pokémon (like my beloved Houndour) refuse to reproduce or produce in the middle of nowhere hand near an access to the freeway ramp where they go no incentive.

While I understand is the ideal configuration is that it encourages people to explore and to travel, I think people are sorely misinterpreted why play the first Pokémon Go. Of course, people have crazy things to get Pokémon in the game, but it's reasonable to expect your average person to travel very far if the majority of players tends to really improve only the nests close to where they live and work ,

Migration should be an easy way to drum excitement for the game to be every two weeks, but to Niantic change really made trouble, what it produces niche, chances are I, and even many other players limit our capture Pokémon one or two per day to enjoy the bonus XP per day.

Next Go Pokémon event: it must keep people's purpose behind the biggest events of interest

Although Niantic has not made any official event of the innocent, the moderators of the road Silph created for the community as a fake rocket Silph where road signs recovery could help solve a mystery team, and finally Mewtwo in Silph challenge co. "Center" in Times Square the road atlas Silph nest with.

I think Niantic could be the road a few notes. It was an event that people do it managed to feel that they were part of a community and how they had done something that affects the game they played. That is the big problem that prevent the delivery of large "official" events of Pokémon Go: You will get the opportunity for players rare Pokémon (although some will inevitably lose) and not the players in the community feel connected to make the part is when they play the game.

If the entire update legendary bird or new system makes combat exercises, it is also continues to offer additional rewards PokéCoin , is not likely to remain in a tangible way. I'm not saying that every event structure should be to change this great task before Pokémon Go universe, but until you get a little more motivation in my commitment to go further is likely to remain limited every time I an egg Lichtspitze dopamine get is to hatch about. And while easily reproducible, it is not really what sold me on first Pokémon Go.

More Pokemon Go Guides, Tips and Tricks

When you start the game to be ready for the first time at a time for Gen 2, you should use the microphone instructions for obtaining Check stardust as you determine how long it will take to reach level 40 , type Pokémon you search for 10 km eggs , how to create new PokéStops as your chances to maximize detection distribute Pokémon and how PokéStops Pokémon eggs . You can also see how to catch Gene 2 Baby Pokémon , our analysis of the effective after the reporting date Chansey and Rhydon and everything you need to know about finding long - awaited Pokémon Ditto .

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