Remember - you go Pokémon ?
KeongDaGreat via Getty Images
The game can actually launched in July 2016 and during mania has peaked, more people are still playing, what you expect.
Now a new study of who has University of Wisconsin-Madison said Pokémon Go play could actually make happier. Do you regret the removal of the application?
The study, published in the journal Psychology of media , found that people who play the game are likely to be more positive, friendly and physically active.
Researchers interviewed 400 people three weeks after the game was released. The participants asked to rate their emotional and social well-being and level of physical activity issues.
Alex James Bono , diploma and UW-Madison study participants said the public perception of the impact of Pokémon Go often wrong.
"There was a lot of bad press about the raid and scattered people flowing into the trees, or on the road," Bono said. "But people really enjoy have seen together outdoors also a good time.
"There is this idea that his games and on the phone a negative social experience, things is reduced, but do not have many opportunities to ask large groups of players from their experience," Bono said. Carlos Jasso / Reuters
The researchers found that users feel as if your life was worth it when the game is played. Catch Pokémon gave them a way to make sure to meet new people and movement. Users also said that Pokémon Go has opened opportunities to strengthen existing and previous relationships or revitalize. show all these positive experiences that the participants feel and more positive outlook on life.
Niantic , the company responsible for the Pokemon GB creation, says 65 million users of the game. New updates to date to excel in the game continue, including the recent support for traditional Chinese language and new Pokémon will be added.
Therefore, if you are familiar with the traditional Chinese, or simply need more time outdoors, walking Pokémon seems like a good way to do this. If the application has been withdrawn, it has never been a better time to come back again. It is in science.
More: Games Happiness Innovation Pokémon Go in search of Science of Technology
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