How can students develop communication skills Pokemon Go help - Phys.Org

May 9, 2017
As Comp & amp; # 233; My GO can help students develop communication skills
Emily Howell encourages teachers Pokémon GO to use in the classroom to help develop multi-modal communication skills students. Photo credit: Christopher Gannon, Iowa State University

Technology continues the way students learn and change with colleagues, parents and the community. Therefore, Emily Howell, assistant professor at the School of Education professor at the University of Iowa, with the teachers together to develop new ways to integrate digital tools in the classroom, including online game as Pokémon GO.

The aim of this work is twofold Howell gives students the same access to technology and help them to develop multi-modal communication skills. This means not only replace the use of information technology for consuming or traditional teaching aids, but experimenting with new forms of communication, he said. Instead read the students a book on a shelf or use the computer to write a mission, they have to learn how to create and upload videos or graphics and maps to create your message.

Proposed that students should build Pokémon GO Howell, these skills can play to be unconventional seem. But after the game Smartphone to play with their own children, he saw how it could write students and help research to align the common basic standards. Howell said students in Pokemon Go intervention, a game that many are already playing outside the classroom, it also generates interest and connects students to their work.

"It is important to give students choices that really have meaning in their lives," Howell said. "We need to encourage them to develop questions to explore the answers and then share this information in writing. "

For example, a common task is to have from to write an essay on how to make a peanut butter and jelly - a working student can easily explain, but no real question that many have said Howell. GO Pokémon, like many video games provides players described limited information or Howell as "learning just in time. "As a result, players have questions about it to use in the next level how certain tools or.

Play the game with their own children, Howell remarked to examine his enthusiasm and find answers to these questions. They were even happy to share with you their knowledge and grandmother, who also played the game. In an article in the journal The reading teacher, Howell explains how teachers can ask students to identify problems, pokemon Go find answers and present their results in different formats.

As Comp & amp; # 233; My GO can help students develop communication skills
Pokémon Go integrates different modes of communication - gestures, pictures and addresses - it's a good fit for the classroom to make. Photo credit: Christopher Gannon, Iowa State University

The use of different types of communication

Pokémon Go various types of communications integrated - gestures, pictures and addresses - it has to make a good fit for the classroom, Howell said. The players see the sign on the mobile phone, the character integrated into a control board and players control the character. Pokémon Goes shows the need to include multimodal text what the way we communicate with others said he.

"We have no text or email ;. We have teachers can find something at all times the live chat or video conference that students are already doing, and take as multimodal, the advantage of this interest and provide students with the potential tool, "said Howell.

As more tools than traditional paper and pencil, teachers should provide a framework for the use . Howell says student conventional reading and writing skills, but also learn how to upload files or design elements on a page is not need to understand in a linear progression.

"It's not enough students to provide the technology and let them play, it's really the principle that the interaction so that they can have significance," Howell said.

Type a strong forum online

For the assignment even more authentic, suggests Howell give students an outlet to share their work with people outside the classroom. create many school districts online security platforms, where students can share the work with family and friends and get feedback. Knowing that others will see realizations for different audiences, not only his teachers develop their work helps Howell said.

"This makes the task of authentic and helps with the motivation and understanding of the purpose for writing," he said. "He has academic and social benefits. "

Howell was at the University of Northern Iowa Center for Transformation funding of education primary school teachers in Iowa to help integrate technology into their written. The goal is to engage students in writing so that they use digital tools to create content, rather than consume information strictly.

Further information: The researchers are developing the for the course of learning in mixed line

For further information: Emily Howell, Pokémon IR: impact on competition in the class, reading teacher (2017). DOI: 10.1002 / trtr.1565

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