Pokemon GO Gets Russian YouTuber sentenced to probation - Live-PVP

It is simply because no one to forget really more talk, but Pokemon GO is always a big deal. It can not be a part of the masses, which is substantially more bands wars (Mystic 4 Lyfe) and a good thing, because many were originally property damage and graffiti. But in April 2017 , last month, I still boasted the game 65 million active players per month.

It is twice the size of the guard to bring it to a game in the context that generates a constant debate.

Unfortunately, the game Pokemon is going these days a bit loaded. The first reaction to the hype of the game Flash Fire led to a series of lawsuits in the United - States - especially in the form of complaints of harassment and violation of property .

For Russian Ruslan Sokolovsky YouTuber, but it is a little worse. By Euro Gamer , which was banned for one year three thirty to play Pokemon GO suspended sentence in a church. The incident, as most costume gambling-related, occurred in August 2016 and took so long to make its way through the court system. Fees for him "guilty of insult believers and incitement" and collected "illegal trafficking of special technical equipment" in the form of a pencil with a video camera.

Although the sentence was suspended on probation, the stain remains on his records public. There is also the question of whether it was that they were focused on their situation the media attention - and therefore was not so lucky and are ignored.

Russian law landscape is shaken by conservative and reactionary positions increasingly uncompromising recently. Play Pokemon GO could get jail time, but his wife or child to beat, but hit on the wrist by the presidential action of Putin in February decriminalize domestic violence.

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