Migration 'Pokémon Go' 19 Nido: spawning What has changed? - Heavy.com

pokemon are bright

"Pokémon Go" is available for iOS and Android devices. (Niantic)

A new Pokémon Go nest Migration has just taken place.

In the "nest" mobile free-to-play Niantic, is an area in the game in which generate the same Pokemon species in high frequency and reliably. If a nest Diglett addressing, for example, it is almost certain that you leave with one or more Diglett.

Thus, the game remains fresh, though, Niantic "Migra" these nests every two weeks, which means that spawning Pokémon to change. Diglett nesting can now generate rhyhorn, or you can now create Psyduck.

There is no real consistency to these changes; it is not a type of Pokémon have always enjoyed hiking with other Pokémon, and changes are very different across the world on the experience of other players your own not necessarily.

However, a good way to see what the nests have changed in your area, get out there and check all manually, use you a map Silph road atlas . This giant playing card, report players that nests found around the world.

What is also very useful here, the way is Silph indicates when a nest last checked. Therefore, if the nest was monitored from April 20, which is current. But when it was confirmed before April 20 you can not be exact.

In the picture below, for example, we can see that the Magnemite nest of two was checked on 20 April after the last migration nest isolated players, so it is up to date.

go Pokémon silph road pokemon Silph go the way silph Road Map

Magnemite nest is on the road Silph. (The Way Silph)

Some of the changes in the migration of nests that this time -ci have been caused by - to give you an idea of what changes you meet other players, here are some are reports from the users of Reddit :

  • Charmander -> Goldeen
  • Diglett -> Kabuto
  • Geodude -> SHELLDER
  • Goldeen -> Drowzee
  • Jynx -> Ponyta
  • Machop -> Geodude
  • Magikarp -> Misdreavous
  • Murkrow -> Geodude
  • Poliwag -> Machop
  • Poliwag -> Shuckle
  • Psyduck -> Totodile
  • Qwilfish -> endive
  • Rhyhorn -> Houndour
  • Scyther -> Pidgey
  • Seel -> Magmar
  • Sentret -> Cubone
  • Shuckle -> Geodude
  • Slugma -> Diglett
  • Tentacool -> Totodile
  • Vulpix -> Magikarp

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